Friday, July 25, 2014

Cayden's 7th Birthday Pics ....

Foam Day 1

Lehi City Celebrates Pioneer Day with Foam.  The kids had a blast and Free Watermelon is always worth it!!

Foam Day 2

Foam Day 3


Fun in the Foam


Summer Fun

Pack Meeting Fun!

Silly Boys!

My little Lady!

Can You see the height difference??

Visiting Cousins and Fire Works!

Museum Visit

Dippn' Dot's and Frogs!

Birthday Fun!

My Birthday Boy!

End of School Year Part 2

B being Silly!

My Cutie!


Boys soccer team!

End of School Year Part 1

A little snake B found!




Friday, May 30, 2014

Pictures with the Teachers

Brandon and Mrs. Denning

Chase and Mrs. Ellison

Cayden and Mrs. Ash

Blue Hands