Friday, October 7, 2011

Brandon's ER visit

This morning the school called and said that he had been bitten by a dog. We went to the school and Brandon was being very brave. He didn't even cry!! Brandon stopped along the way from school at a friends house to say "Hi"! and the friend's dog escaped. As Brandon helped to get the escaped dog back the dog jumped up and bit him.
He was a brave little trooper especially at the ER. He got 10 stitches in his lip!!
Martin stayed with Brandon and I stayed with the younger two, thankfully coloring pages & crayons, suckers, and cable tv helped our visit.
After lunch at Grandma's, prescription pick-up, flu mist for all the kiddo's today has been busy, busy!!

Brandon and Mommy

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Martin's Graduation!

Martin graduated this summer with his bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

 Can you see Martin?? Give you a hint he's the one with the candy leigh. 

Waiting for the bus

 Callie enjoys waiting for the bus with her big brother.

  Cayden and his friend Briton ride the bus every day together.

Parent Day with Cayden

 Cayden has lots of fun at school.  He even has a class pet.

  Cayden loves to play outside during their outdoor time. He loves to ride on all the scooter and trikes.

 Cayden's Cubbie picture where he hangs his back pack and coat. We had lots of fun attending parent day.  He seems to really enjoy preschool and his new friends.