Monday, April 9, 2012

The Easter Dress!

Callie trying her cheese smile for the camera. I loved how pretty she looked! I got her dress on sale at thrift store. She looked so cute! Earlier the kids woke up to see what the Easter bunny brought and then had to get ready for 9am church. This is Callie right before church began! Her cute outfit!
Callie Easter 2012

My sweet children!

The kids right after church they were so thrilled to get their pictures taken.

The Hunt!

The kids enjoyed hunting for candy at Grandma's house. They loved it! Uncle Nate even joined in to help Cayden find some candy. The older two boys aren't pictured because they were too fast! Callie and Cayden on the look out!

Cayden searching

Uncle Nate helping Cayden


Awhile ago we treated the kids to I.H.O.P they loved it! While were there a man came around asking the kids if they would like balloon creations. They were so excited! Cayden and his "balloon sword"

Chase and his "balloon gun"

Brandon and his "balloon fish bowl"

Callie and her "balloon Ariel". Wondering about her lip? She slipped on the sidewalk just before we came in the restaurant. Poor girl!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Jumping Worm!

Sorry the video quality wasn't the greatest. The sound was off on this video. Cayden was a jumping slinky worm. He's in the grey Darth Tater shirt if you can't see him very well. He is sitting on the right. He loved performing with his preschool buddies.

Crazy Dancing!

The love of a blankie!

Callie loves playing, snuggling and carrying her blanket around.  Callie is such a great little girl!

Say Cheese!

Callie loves having her picture taken and of course looking at pictures of herself. Here are a couple of pictures on the swing. She is very proud that she can swing like a "BIG" girl. We have enjoyed couple of nice days playing outside in the sunshine.


Between Conference sessions last Sunday. Travis invited us to see his new baby chicks they were adorable. He will be using them to help fertilize his garden plot.