Monday, April 25, 2011
My Easter Buddies
These were the only two kids willing to pose for pictures in their Easter outfits. The other two couldn't wait to get out of their church clothes!
Trying to get 4 children to take a pictures is difficult they all run in different directions. Especially, when they don't want their pictures taken!
Luckily, Cayden was able to sit for me. Callie refused to sit in his lap. My cute little boy! Hard to believe he'll be 4 yrs. old next month!!
Callie willing to cooperate if she can have mommy's keys.
She posed long enough for me to snap the picture and me to grab the keys from her. Luckily, she kept pressing the unlock button and not the panic button! :)
Easter at Grandma's house
The kids did an Easter egg hunt. It took Callie a while to catch on this being her first time. She loved looking for the candy so much she was kicking and screaming when it was over. Cayden is showing her how to put candy in the bucket.
Callie finding Easter candy!
Callie finding Easter candy!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The love of a jelly Bean
Callie loved the jelly beans that were hidden on the counter in the jar. She wasn't to fond of her chocolate bunny until Chase broke it into little pieces. But to her a jelly bean was a simple, sweet surprise!
Brandon enjoyed coloring Easter eggs and helping his little brother. The brightly colored eggs were a wonderful activity the kids enjoyed this morning.
Brandon enjoyed coloring Easter eggs and helping his little brother. The brightly colored eggs were a wonderful activity the kids enjoyed this morning.
Brightly Colored Eggs
For the love of the Eggs. Each child had fun coloring the eggs dipping them into the colors. Each egg individual, unique..
Later to become a yummy treat to enjoy!
Cayden learns Mixing
Brandon showed Cayden how to properly dip the eggs in each cup. Brandon's such a great helper! Cayden had fun dying eggs.
Cayden hard at work coloring the Easter eggs!
Cayden hard at work coloring the Easter eggs!
The coloring of Eggs
The boys enjoyed coloring Easter eggs this morning. They had a lot of fun!!
Chase is hard at work! Can you tell? Such a serious little face. Brandon enjoyed putting a couple of stickers on some the eggs. They both enjoyed mixing them all in different colors.
Easter Morning!
The boys were excited to wake up the Easter baskets! The Easter bunny came to our house!
Callie trying to open her chocolate bunny!
Go! Brandon! Go!
Callie loved watching Brandon played soccer. She sat in a chair next to me and shouted Go! Imitating the other cheers from the crowd. It was very cute!
Brandon did really good running and going after the ball. He was glad his team got to wear the purple side. He loves wearing his shirt!!
Brandon said it was a little hard to keep up with the other kids. I thought he did a great job for his first time. The other 3 found a park nearby and played while Daddy cheered Brandon on.
Brandon did really good running and going after the ball. He was glad his team got to wear the purple side. He loves wearing his shirt!!
Brandon said it was a little hard to keep up with the other kids. I thought he did a great job for his first time. The other 3 found a park nearby and played while Daddy cheered Brandon on.
Brandon plays soccer
Brandon's first soccer game. This his first time playing ever. His first practice was on Wednesday but was cancelled to the thunderstorm. He was a little disappointed and nervous for this game. He did really great for playing his first time! We were prepared for this game with warm coats, blankets and chairs. Chase's game was earlier that morning and was freezing. He played a great game wasn't sure of who won but he had fun!
Go! Brandon! Go!
Waiting for his turn to kick.
Lets play Soccer!
Chase had his first game yesterday. It was really cold! He played a good game! He tied 2-2. The kids all had fun! Callie was too cold for this game so we waited in the car for the rest of the game. While daddy watched Chase play.
Chase had a great time!
Martin and I really like his coach. Far left corner of the picture. He works really well with the kids.
Chase is looking forward to more soccer games.
Chase had a great time!
Martin and I really like his coach. Far left corner of the picture. He works really well with the kids.
Chase is looking forward to more soccer games.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Pictures from the park

Brandon took a picture of Callie and I.
I love that happy look on her face.
Brandon is such a good helper. Picture below he is helping Callie and Cayden down the slide.
They love going to the park!
Our little Pirate
If you ask Cayden what does a Pirate eat? He will say Arby's. Daddy taught him that joke. Here are some pictures of our little pirate.. He had a great time after the library we went to the store. He met a fireman chief and got a fireman sticker. He had a great day!!
more pictures from library party!
Can you find Callie? Hint she is wearing a purple jacket. Here is the snake game that Cayden played.
After hat making, snake game, story & song time,
Cayden enjoyed some yummy snacks!
After hat making, snake game, story & song time,
Cayden enjoyed some yummy snacks!
Look Mom I caught a snake!
Cayden loved this game! Waving a parachute around and then flinging snakes up and down until they went down a hole. He loved it..!! Maybe a game for his birthday party? We will see??
Cayden's Pirate Party at the Library!
In case your wondering that kid in the middle isn't mine. Cayden is on the right wearing the black boots.
They played a cute game with the parachute.
What do you find on an island? Snakes of course!
The kids all gathered under the parachute to catch the snakes.

Big brothers are fun to play with!
Can you tell someone is getting tired. That little girl loves her thumb. Chase was a big helper and helped play with Callie towards the end of our time at the park.
They are sitting in little wooden beehives.
Can you tell who is the Queen Bee?
They are sitting in little wooden beehives.
Can you tell who is the Queen Bee?
Our little girl!

My little girl is so cute! Here she is
being helped by Grandpa to go up to the slides.
She was a bit wary of him when he first came to visit but quickly warmed up to her Grandpa in no time.
Callie enjoying the sun and slide.
She was the best one for posing for the camera.
She likes to say Cheese! when we take her picture it is too cute!
Having fun with Grandma I.
Chase sure does love spending time with his Grandma.
Grandma helping Chase balance on the beam. This was right after Callie spilled the water bottle all over the bench we were sitting on and got my pants wet. Good times! :)
Grandma helping Chase balance on the beam. This was right after Callie spilled the water bottle all over the bench we were sitting on and got my pants wet. Good times! :)
At the park with Grandma and Grandpa I.
We decided to spend the day at the park. The weather was nice and the kids had fun playing with Grandma and Grandpa.
Callie loved the swings.
Discovery Park is awesome! It has huge wooden walkways and at least three different sections for the kids to play on.
Grandpa and Callie walking along a wooden railing.
Chase below making a cheesy grin I might add.
Callie loved the swings.
Discovery Park is awesome! It has huge wooden walkways and at least three different sections for the kids to play on.
Grandpa and Callie walking along a wooden railing.
Chase below making a cheesy grin I might add.
B is for baby!
Friday Night Blast
Pizza for dinner, playing with new friends, M&M's for dessert. The kids were happy.
Chase getting a much needed haircut before the party!
Brandon with a new friend
Chase getting a much needed haircut before the party!
Brandon with a new friend
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